How Childhood Trauma Becomes Hardwired
Writing Voices from the Mist: The Last Days of Dian Fossey (working title) has taken me on an unexpected journey of self-awareness and healing. I’ve learned more about myself in the last year than in the first six decades of my life. It takes awareness of a childhood trauma to begin to heal. Some of us become aware later than others.
During the first seven years of childhood, your parents, teachers, family members, and other caretakers program your internal hard drive. You download every bit of data you’re exposed to and add it to your program. This includes all the love, attention, support (or lack of), along with positive and negative feedback. What goes into the hard drive, stays in the hard drive. Have you ever overheard a frustrated parent tell their child they’re stupid or worthless? The parent may not have meant it, but without future intervention, their child will believe they’re stupid or worthless for the rest of their lives. Pretend you are that child for a moment.
No matter what your caretakers’ intentions were, you use their words to navigate through the world. Oh, did I mention those bits of downloaded data can stay with you for the rest of your life? No wonder so many people struggle to live their lives to the fullest. Your early programming defines who you become as an adult. Without realizing it, you sabotage yourself with feelings of self-doubt, unworthiness, and blame.
When you become self-aware of your internal blocks, you break the barrier, go beyond your programming and begin to heal. You can reprogram your brain through a variety of tools such as therapy, guided meditation, and self-development books. Overcoming a childhood trauma is a long-term endeavor, but a worthwhile one sprinkled with revealing ah-ha moments and lightning bolt epiphanies. They can bring you out of the dark into the light, allowing you to become the wonderful person you were meant to be. Good luck on your journey.
Useful Links
Holosync — Frontal Cortex Meditation Practice
Biology of Belief by Dr. Bruce Lipton
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