What is the Biology of Belief?

I absolutely love to read.  It’s what I do when I’m not writing and working on the final drafts of “Voices from the Mist.”  Today, I want to share with you a book that absolutely blew my mind.  It’s the book by Dr. Bruce Lipton, “The Biology of Belief.”  This book explores his discoveries about our cells and how they affect our lives.

As you may know, I am doing more video now, so I thought I would provide the book review in two formats.  Video (it’s only 2:33 minutes long) and text format.


Hi, I'm Evelyn Gallardo, and I'm the author of the upcoming book "Voices from The Mist" and thank you for joining me here on book reviews. I absolutely love to read and I'm going to share the latest.

Today I want to share a book with you that literally blew my mind. It's by Dr. Bruce Lipton and it's called "Biology of Belief." Now, while other scientists were studying the genome project, mapping our DNA, and figuring out what each of our genes did, they came up with the popular theory that we are controlled by our genes.

Okay, enter Bruce Lipton. 40 years ago, he studied one cell, one single cell, and what he learned is that each cell has a membrane around it that actually serves as a brain. So, every cell you have has a brain. And it can be influenced. Your cells are influenced by what your beliefs.

Let's say your mother had breast cancer and died at 60 years old, and her mother had breast cancer and died at 55. So, what those scientists would have you believe is, our genes control us. and we're going to get breast cancer.

But what Bruce Lipton says in the "Biology of Belief" is that the science of epigenetics, which is beyond genetics, tells us that our minds and our thoughts and our actions, in other words, our environment controls our genes. So, what do you do? You make different choices.

If your grandfather and your father sat around on the sofa all day and never got a bit of exercise, and ate horrible food, there are better choices. Exercise, eat a healthy diet and this is under your control. So, you control your own destiny and that's very good news.

Thank you for joining me for book reviews and please be sure to subscribe and follow me as well.

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Evelyn Gallardo

Voices from the Mist is about my husband, David, and my experiences with our friend Dian Fossey, who saved the mountain gorillas from extinction in Rwanda, Africa. We volunteered at her Karisoke Research Center in 1985, just four months before her murder.


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