Why Should Self-Affirming Choices Matter to You?
The other day I caught myself as I fully indulged in toxic self-talk rattling around in my head.
“I don’t have enough time to read this 100-page trial manuscript right now.”“You’re right, it looks boring. Save it for later.”
“I hate to read long, tedious legal jargon.”
“That sucks! You should do something you like instead. Take a walk on the beach or swim laps.”
Has this happened to you? Have you made choices based on the toxic voice in your head that bombards you with all the reasons you can’t, couldn’t, or shouldn’t do something? I have — and they haven’t been my best decisions.
Happy Train Out of Deadwood
Luckily, I stopped, became aware of my negative thoughts, and made a conscious choice to let go of them and get on the happy train out of Deadwood.
“I have plenty of time.”“I’d rather do this now and enjoy the satisfaction and feeling of accomplishment.”
“I love to learn new things. If I do this with an open mind, I may discover a new detail for my book to entice my readers while I create new neural pathways in my brain.”
Get that Feel Good Mindset
To become “aware” of the voice-in-your-head-that-annoys is to take the first giant step toward getting rid of it. When I hear a belligerent voice in my head (you probably have one too), I identify it as toxic and let it go. I use custom affirmations to get myself out of a funky mindset into an I-feel-good mindset. Self-affirming choices are love-powered self-talk, and they make a big difference to move away from “could of,” “would of,” and “should of,” to “yes, I can do anything I set my mind to.” I made my custom affirmations at Centerpointe.
A life filled with self-love and acceptance feels a whole hell of a lot better than the toxic way I was brought up. I learned it the hard way. I love learning from other people’s mistakes, don’t you? I hope you learn from mine.
The Healing Path
My friend, Dian Fossey, could have benefited from curbing her critical and toxic self-talk. Unfortunately, she grew up under a critical eye at home like I did, and she internalized it. The more I discover my healing path, the more I realize we pick up these self-deprecating habits mostly from family, but they can also come from neighbors, teachers, etc.
Voices from the Mist, the Last Days of Dian Fossey, will explore the story of Dian’s life and shine a beacon on the key pieces to help my readers thrive. Dian’s story is a combination of triumph and tragedy. It’s a story of astonishing dreams fulfilled against all odds.
Good luck with quieting the critical voice in your head this month. Just remember, awareness is the first step.
I’ve found believing in myself pays off big time.
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